- connect users in Hawaii, unable to do this below pacific ocean
- short range radio, ALOHA system
- let users transmit when they have data
- Senders need to be able to sense if collisions occur
- multiple users share a common channel, contention systems
- if first fram overlaps another frame, checksums will be destroyed
- efficiency of ALOHA channel?
- users in 2 states
- typing or waiting
- frame time is the amount of time needed to transmit standard fixed length frame
- modeling
- Poisson distribution, mean N frames per frame time
- stations generate retransmissions of collision frames
- Throughput S is the offered load G times the probability P of a transmission succeeding S=GP
- In pure aloha there are no slots or timezones, so its possible to send at any time and cause a collision
- slotted ALOHA, doubles the capacity of an ALOHA system
- station not permitted to send whenever user types a line, required to wait for the next "slot" or pre designated timeframe where users can send
- doubles throughput
- small increases in G can dramatically reduce performance as shown by the following dependence
- probability of transmission is
- expected number of transmissions is
Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols
- best channel utilization is 1/e for slotted ALOHA
- increase this by using carrier sense protocols
- Persistent and Non-persistent CSMA
- 1-persistent CSMA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
- Station has data to send listens to channel then if idle it will send data if not it waits until idle
- if collision occurs, wait a random amount of time and restart
- Propagation delay has an effect in sending, idle channel sensing does not account for the time it takes for the signal to get there to be sent
- bandwidth-delay product of the channel, if only tiny fraction of frame
- Non persistent CSMA
- conscious attempt to be less greedy
- station senses channel if free or not
- if channel is in use, does not continually sense, waits a random period of time before resending rather than waiting for exact time to send
- reduces amount of second tier collisions
- P-Persistent CSMA
- when station ready to send, senses channels, if idle transmits with probability p, if it doesn't transmit it defers
- "pretend collisions" inherent to sending
- CSMA with Collision Detection
- Persistent and non persistent CSMA protocols improve ALOHA
- CSMA/CD (CSMDA with Collision Detection)
- basis of Ethernet LAN
- CD is an analog process, listen to channel while transmitting, if signal read back is different from output signal, collision is occurring
- frame divided as shown in the figure below
- worst case scenario contention can occur unless the slot width is 2 times the length of the packet to be sent
- collisions can still occur during contention period, but not once station has captured the channel
- some protocols have no chance of collision
- A Bit-Map Protocol
- each contention period consists of N slots
- if station 0 has frame, it sends 1 bit to slot 0, no other station is allowed to send in this slot
- if station j, wants to send, it inserts a bit into slot j, then transmits frames in numerical order, since all agree on when something is sent, no collisions
- is a Reservation protocol
- reserves channel ownership in advance
- channel efficiency at low load easy to compute
- overhead per frame is N bits, amount of data is d bits
- efficiency = d/(d+N)
- at high load, d/(d+1) all stations have something to send all the time
- mean delay for frame is sum of time it queues + (N-1)d +N after being at the head of the internal queue
- Token Passing
- pass a small message called a token from one station to the next in a predefined order
- token is permission to send, if it has token it can send, if no queue it passes token
- token ring protocol
- topology of the network is a ring
- direction of transmission one way, in the same direction of token
- to stop frame, station needs to remove from ring
- physically might be connected in a bus, or in a line, called token bus but same principle
- performance is similar to bit map, token does not need to propagate to all stations before protocol advances to next step
- popular as an alternative to classic Ethernet
- FDDI(Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
- faster token ring created in 1990s
- RPR(Resilient Packet Ring)
- defined as IEEE 802.17
- metropolitan area networks
- Binary Countdown
- binary station addresses with a channel that combines transmissions
- channel broadcasts its address as binary bit string, all addresses same length
- as soon as station sees higher order bit position, it gives up
- this way whenever higher number stations want to send they get to send first
- efficiency is d/(d + log2N) but if frame format is chosen so that sender's address is the first field of the frame, then we have 100% efficiency
Limited-Contention Protocols
- two strategies for channel acquisition
- rated with how well it deals with low and high load
- in general
- contention has low delay at low load since collisions are rare
- collision free protocols have good efficiency at high load, but bad for low load since overhead is fixed
- goal would be to combine the two, limited-contention protocols
- contention protocols symmetric
- each station has chance to acquire channel, probability p
- system performance can be improved with asymmetry sometimes
- probability that one station transmits is kp(1-p)k-1 and we find that the optimal value of p is 1/k if we differentiate that formula
- if we define small groups for the stations, we can keep the assignment close to the left edge of the graph, so that probability of success is higher
- The Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol
- based on the algorithm designed in the US Army for testing syphilis
- if collision occurs we only have to search once per level
- if q stations are distributed evenly, there will be 2-iq stations below a specific node
- this means that mean number of contending stations per slot is 1 at the level where 2-iq = 1 so i = log2q
Wireless LAN Protocols
- system of laptop computers that can communicate by radio
- example of broadcast channel
- office place with APs located around the building
- provides about 600 Mbps
- 802.11(WiFi)
- wireless LAN may not be able to transmit or receive frames from all other stations due to limited range
- each transmitter has some range
- hidden terminal problem
- CSMA is not as clear because if we listen for transmissions, they can still receive from transmitter outside of our range
- exposed terminal problem
- if we want to transmit at the same time, from two different regions, even though our networks may be independent, the range of the two may have some overlap, causes a false listen check
- MACA(Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)
- basic idea sends a RTS(Request to Send)
- receiver replies with CTS(Clear to Send)
- after CTS received then its sends
- If RTS successfully reaches, the receiver broadcasts CTS so it silences the rest of the stations in range
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