Monday, October 15, 2012

Trivia - A Google a Day XXX

Every year, a trophy is awarded to the top defense player in the NHL. The trophy is named for the former owner of what NHL team?
Detroit Red Wings
The trophy is called the James Norris Memorial Trophy

What ocean, known for some of the roughest storms in the world, was misnamed by the explorer whose good sailing fortune led him to find it "a beautiful, peaceful ocean"?
Pacific Ocean

Where were the Olympics held when the Olympic flame was first introduced into the modern games?

What U.S. state has more poisonous snakes than any other?

What does the WHO project say will be the greatest worldwide killer by 2030?
Who is the World Health Organization, which sponsors many different projects.

What profession did Samuel Clemens's hold that inspired his pseudonym?
Riverboat Pilot

How many minutes of the nearly two-hour-long "Silence of the Lambs" is Anthony Hopkins on-screen in the role of Hannibal Lecter, for which he won the Oscar for Best Actor?
16 minutes

What country is home to the mountain range that shares its name with the common name for Elettaria cardamomum, a spice in the ginger family?

Apple Blythe Alison's godfather makes music for a living. Of what band is he a member?
The band member’s name is Chris Martin

What former VH1 VJ who became a daytime talk show host was taken on as the editorial director of an iconic magazine in 2000, which she renamed after herself and then featured herself on all subsequent covers until it ceased publication two years later?
Rosie O'Donnell

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