Monday, October 1, 2012

Linear Algebra - Singular Value Decomposition

Singular value decomposition is the process of factorization for a real or complex matrix. The goal is to divide this one matrix into three separate matrices that combine to reform this original matrix. First we start with an arbitrary matrix.

Then we take the transpose of this matrix and multiply it against the first in an ATA fashion.

giving us the following result

We then find the eigenvalues of this matrix by subtracting λIand then solve the characteristic equation.
The characteristic equation is found by taking the determinant of the adjusted matrix.

(40-λ)(85-λ)-(-30)(-30) = 0
3400 -125 λ + λ2 - 900 = 0
λ2 -125 λ + 2500 = 0
λ = 25,100

We then take the square roots of these values in order to get the sigma values, ordering them from highest to lowest for our diagonal matrix S.

σ1=10, σ2=5
giving us an S matrix of

These values will also be used in creating our U matrix. But in order to find our U matrix we must first find our V matrix so we need to orthogonalize the eigenvectors from our ATA matrix. Our first step will be to substitute in our eigenvectors in the same order we have our sigma values.

So solving for the kernel by setting this equal to 0 gives us the vector

Now we do the same for the other eigenvalue

So after solving for the kernel we will get the vector

Now we have to normalize these two vectors so we take their magnitude, and divide the vectors by this amount. 

((12) + (22))1/2

Giving us the following V matrix.

To form the U matrix we use the following method to compose the u vectors.



Now we get the combined U matrix of

This gives us all the parts we need to find the svd decomposition, the only difference is that our V matrix is actual V transpose in the equation so we have the following matrixes


And the equation to regain our original matrix is M = USVT. You can check my multiplying these out to confirm that they give you the original matrix. Thus we have completed our singular value decomposition of our matrix!


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