Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Physics-Intro to Optics, Relativity

Snell's Law
1 Sin [θ ] = n 2 Sin [θ ]
= c / n
λ = λ / n
θ = I θ / E 
Where n is the refraction index of the material
Lens Equation:
1 / d + 1 / d = 1 / f
m = - d / d 
Where d is the distance to the image and d is the distance to the object. m represents the magnification of the object in comparison to the objects actual size.
Lens maker Equation:
1 / f = (n - 1) (1 / R + 1 / R )
r = f / 2
f is the focal length, and r is the radius of curvature. The focal length is the distance at which the parallel rays of light travelling through the lens will converge to a point. The radius of curvature represents the radius of the sphere that the lens could make if it was continued to a sphere.
Interference and Diffraction-
Double Slit interference:
θ = I [Cos(δ / 2)] 
d Sin[θ] = m λ / Maxima
d Sin[θ] = (m +1/2) λ / Minima
Single Slit diffraction:
θ = I [Sin(Β/2) / (Β / 2)] 
D Sin[θ] = (m +1/2) λ / Maxima
Note - θ = 0 is the central and highest peak
D Sin[θ] = m λ / Minima
Single and double slit effects:
θ = I [Sin(Β/2) / (Β / 2)] [Cos(δ / 2)] 2
Diffraction grating:
Sin (θ) = m λ / d
R = λ / (Δ λ) = N m
R is the resolving power of the lens
Circular hole diffraction
θ = 1.22 λ / D
I = I (Cos[θ]) 2
Minkowski space-This is the setting in which relativistic calculations are done. Points in Minkowski space are represented by a 4-vector which defines position in x, y, z and time, and is represented by the Minkowski metric, which is defined as:
[-1 0 0 0]
| 0 1 0 0|
| 0 0 1 0|
[ 0 0 0 1]
Invariance of the interval:
(Δs) = (Δx) - (c Δt) 
(Δs') = (Δs) 
The invariance of the interval is also known as the line element of the minkowski metric.
Lorentz Transformations-
ct = γ ( v x' / c + c t ' )
x = γ ( x' + v t ' )
y = y'
z = z'
This is assuming your working in a frame where there is movement in only one direction, however due to the isotropy of space, you can almost always make this assumption.
γ = 1 / [1 - (v / c) 1/2 
This is known as the lorentz factor, which is used in the lorentz transformation.
Velocity addition formulas-
parallel = (u parallel ' + v) / (1 + (u ' v / c ))
perpendicular = (u perpendicular ') / [γ (1 + (u perpendicular ' v / c ))]
L' = L / γ
Where L' is the length of the moving object as observed by the stationary frame.
Δt' = γ Δt
Where t ' is the length of time experienced by an observer in the stationary frame.
Stationary frames are described by no acceleration.

Non constant velocity
τ = ∫ [1 - ( v (t) / c )] 1/2 dt
Momentum and Energy
p = γ m v
E = γ m c = [m + |p| ]
= m + p 
KE = E - m = (γ - 1) m c 2

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