Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cyrptography ToC

The following is a table of contents for Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory.
  1. Overview of Cryptography and its Applications
    1. Secure Communications
    2. Cryptographic Applications
  2. Classical Cryptosystems
    1. Shift Ciphers
    2. Affine Ciphers
    3. The Vigenère Cipher
    4. Substitution Ciphers
    5. Sherlock Holmes
    6. The playfair and ADFGX Ciphers
    7. Block Ciphers
    8. Binary Numbers and ASCII
    9. One-Time Pads
    10. Pseudo-Random Bit Generation
    11. LSFR Sequences
    12. Enigma
  3. Basic Number Theory
    1. Basic Notions
    2. Solving ax + by = d
    3. Congruences
    4. The Chinese Remainder Theorem
    5. Modular Exponentiation
    6. Fermat and Euler
    7. Primitive Roots
    8. Inverting Matrices Mod n
    9. Square Roots and Mod n
    10. Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
    11. Finite Fields
    12. Continued Fractions
  4. The Data Encryption Standard
  5. The Advanced Encryption Standard: Rijndael
  6. The RSA Algorithm
    1. The RSA Algorithm
    2. Attacks on the RSA
    3. Primality Testing
    4. Factoring
    5. The RSA Challenge
    6. An Application to Treaty Verification
    7. The Public Key Concept
  7. Discrete Logarithms
    1. Discrete Logarithms
    2. Computing Discrete Logs
    3. Bit Commitment
    4. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
    5. The ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem
  8. Hash Functions
  9. Digital Signatures
  10. Security Protocols
  11. Digital Cash
  12. Secret Sharing Schemes
  13. Games
  14. Zero-Knowledge Techniques
    1. The Basic Setup
    2. The Feige-Fiat-Shamir Identification Scheme
  15. Information Theory
  16. Elliptic curves
    1. The Addition Law
    2. Elliptic Curves Mod p
    3. Factoring with Elliptic Curves
    4. Elliptic Curves in Characteristic 2
    5. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
    6. Identity-Based Encryption
  17. Lattice Methods
    1. Lattices
    2. Lattice Reduction
    3. An attack on RSA
    4. NTRU
  18. Error Correction Codes
  19. Quantum Techniques in Cryptography

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